Various positions

Job details

Date added:15.3.2018
Employer:Allbrite Engineering Ltd

Job description

* Sheet metal Fabricators
- Must have experience in tig welding sheet up to max 3mm thickness and have an aptitude for grinding and polishing products to a finished state

* Design Engineer
- Min. 2-5 years experience required
- Ability to communicate mechanical concepts quickly and effectively through sketching/drawing
- Proficiency in the use of 2D and 3D CAD software, ideally including experience in the use of Auotcad and SolidWorks
- Ability to work as part of a flexible, dynamic team, while taking responsibility for individual tasks
- An enquiring mind with an analytical approach to problem solving and an ability to visualise simple solutions for complex problems
- A solid understanding of how things work with an obsessive desire to make things work better

How to apply

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